September 16th 2013

The Impact Equation. Are you making things happen or just making noise? Chris Brogan & Julien Smith.

My next read - The Impact Equation

The Impact Equation. Are you making things happen or just making noise? Chris Brogan & Julien Smith. 2012. ISBN 9781591844907.  The authors wrote Trust Agents which was a good read.  This book takes from their journeys in social media and develops a theme of around why you do what you do using the tools available  (including social media) . The book is more of a journey not a workbook. In this journey you cannot help but develop a better awareness of how you and your business differ and how to better communicate it. A very personal book, it speaks directly to the reader taking no short cuts. Clearly written I do not think you will roar through the book , but it would make for a very pleasant cross country flight companion.

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