September 10th 2007

small is the new big. and 183 other riffs, rants and remarkable business ideas. Seth Godin

small is the new big. and 183 other riffs, rants and remarkable business ideas. Seth Godin. 2006. ISBN 1591841267. I think that Seth’s books are getting better. But this is not a book book, its a collection of articles, newsletters and blog posts. But it is real, quality, and very useful. Such useful ideas as, ” The best marketers, of course, use the needle and the vise at them same time:. They don’t assault, they don’t demand, instead they earn attention. And they apply their marketing pressure so consistently and in such a measured and relentless way that sooner or later, they profit from it. ” A great book if you want it in small lumps or more, It would be a good plane ride book, but bring a highlighter! I love this one
“I. Humans tend to work on a problem until they get a good enough solution, not a solution that’s right.
2. The marketplace often rewards solutions that are cheaper and good enough, instead of investing in the solution that promises to lead to the right answer.”

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