September 4th 2007

Truth. The new rules for marketing in a skeptical world. Lynn Upshaw

Truth. The new rules for marketing in a skeptical world. Lynn Upshaw. 2007. ISBN 978-0-8144-7376-4. Another Amacom book. Since at our firm we use truth based marketing, the title of this book caught my eye. You could also call this Integrity based marketing. However you say it this book delivers in a big way. It is so incredibly thorough and right that at times the paragraphs seem to jump out and smack you in the head. One of so many lines that made too much sense,” marketing needs to ….inject customer needs into the product development process….help develop more competitive products….help transform products into agents of integrity. A servant provides what a customer wants, a partner provides what a customer needs. ” If you have anything to do with marketing in your company this is a must read book.

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