Archive for September 23rd, 2010

multipliers. How the best leaders make everyone smarter. Liz Wiseman with Greg McKeown.

multipliers. How the best leaders make everyone smarter. Liz Wiseman with Greg McKeown.2010 ISBN 9780061964398.  If you are being asked to achieve more with the team you have, this is the book for you. After a long tenure at Oracle, Wiseman has written one of the most useful management development books I have ever had the pleasure to read.  She really nails this concept of multiplier vs diminisher leaders.  I have worked for both, but in tech I see more diminishers than any other type. Hard driven must be the smartest guy in the room people who crush initiative or drive it away. This is indeed a guide to success as a CEO, coach, teacher, leader. Easy but thoughtful read.

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