Archive for September 15th, 2010

How to Sell a Service. Guidelines for effective selling in a service business. Malcolm H B McDonald & John W Leppard

Photo of Cormac O'Reilly, the Sales Guru.
Image via Wikipedia

How to Sell a Service. Guidelines for effective selling in a service business. Malcolm H B McDonald & John W Leppard. 1988. ISBN 0434912883.  Malcolm McDonald is a giant in English sales and marketing, with over 30 books out that I know about.  Much of  this prolific output is now out of print. This is one of those, but you can still get it from AbeBooks etc. It is a treasure as he writes in a laconic direct style that gets you stuck into the useful parts. I stress useful, as this is a practitioners book, not an academic tome.Yes some of the sections are dated – but they are quite minor.. His early chapters on selling service are as current as they come. The hidden value parts are the end of chapter questions (with answers at the end of the book). They are not just pen and paper but he has included several excellent activities that a progressive sales manager would want to use in sales meetings with his troops, as well as for his own use.  If you sell services this is a great book for you.

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