Archive for September 1st, 2010

Change your Brain Change your Body. Daniel Amen, M.D.

Positron emission tomography image of a human ...
Image via Wikipedia

Change your Brain Change your Body. Daniel Amen, M.D. 2010. ISBN 9780307463579. Dr Amen is often seen on PBS talking about the impact of your brain on the rest of you.  As I reflect on the various conflict type sports I played and my sons played, it gave me several things to think about, since head injuries can be caused in many ways in sport, and they are not all concussions.  Much of the self help business is built around “self talk” and Dr Amen shows how thoughts and self talk are reflected in brain scans.  The book is an easy read and I found myself quite enthralled with his science. At one point. I completely missed my train stop being so deep into this book.  if you have tried everything to lose weight, quit smoking, exercise more, eat better then this just may be the book that provides you with the correct incentives.

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