September 10th 2007

the myths of innovation. Scott Berkun

the myths of innovation. Scott Berkun. 2007. ISBN 0596527055. This is a really good read! It includes thoughts on how individuals spread innovation and how society determines the impact. Its rally is a myth busting book. He reinforces the “lucky or smart” comments from “Fooled by Randomness”. Lots of great quotes . Steve Jobs, ” real artists ship.” Dewey, ” A problem, properly defined is partly solved”. A very good discussion on what Osborn really meant in “Applied Imagination” when inventing brainstorming. He felt that an equal amount of time needed to be spent on facts, ideas and solutions, people were to quick to jump to a solution. Another takeaway, No one knows what’s possible”. Some parallels in Godin’s rant on competence vs brilliance. i.e. Competent managers are scared to try anything new, since that threatens their competence. Great line on Frederick Taylor, he could have saved himself hours and hours of studies if he had asked the workers where the process was inefficient.

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