July 23rd 2007

Pornified. How pornography is damaging our lives, our relationships, and our families. Pamela Paul

Pornified. How pornography is damaging our lives, our relationships, and our families. Pamela Paul. 2005. ISBN 0805081321. A disturbing, yet balanced book with a message that does need to get out. Well researched, annotated and presented, this book really challenged my “liberal” beliefs through just presenting the facts. Pornography is the commercialization of women, turning men into consumers and women into products to be used and discarded. The billion dollar porn industry has many similarities to the cigarette industry, so aptly portrayed in The Insider film. The boundaries of porn continue to be pushed, taboos reduced and the prevalence in society etc. increases personal and societal acceptance. The porn industry wants it that way. You read about the porn addicts, the off shore aspects, and the politics. Issues collide in this book and some sensible suggestions made on what could be done. Of course we can delete the spam etc. but why should this be tolerated so that the young, our wives and girlfriends, continue to be always brought face to face to it? Its not harmless. Remove the market, and production is decreased.

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