Archive for June 17th, 2007

Bit Literacy. Productivity in the Age of Information and E-Mail overload. Mark Hurst

Bit Literacy. Productivity in the Age of Information and E-Mail overload. Mark Hurst. 2007. ISBN 0979368103. Seth Godin calls this the Elements of Style for the digital age. Its true, written  by a  geek, he questions how and why we use technology in certain ways. His insights are good and suggestions will definitely help anyone cope more effectively with the bits flying at us. I am a fan of being organized upfront and he is too, but he helps you also crawl out from under the load.   His suggestions on handling photos and reworking file naming are very smart. Likely the most thorough analysis on the market today and it is straightforward to read and apply.  Microsoft could learn a lot from his suggestions.  His ideas will free you from a vendor dependence

Add-On Selling. How to squeeze every last ounce of sales potential from your calls. Jim Domanski

Add-On Selling. How to squeeze every last ounce of sales potential from your calls. Jim Domanski. 2002. ISBN1881081117. You may not have heard of this Canadian telesales expert, but you should. He is one of the authors and I received this and two other books in a clear out set from them. What a bargain! Not only does he cover add-on, cross-sell, upselling on the phone, he has sections for converting  inquiries, cancellations, complaints, customer service calls into sales. His approaches are just as useful face to face. A no nonsense straightforward easy read, this is a library keeper. His section on getting leads and referrals is bang on the money. Check out (This is treasure house for telesales answers
