June 29th 2022

The Great Influenza. The epic story of the deadliest plague in History. John M.Barry.

The Great Influenza. The epic story of the deadliest plague in History. John M.Barry. 2004. ISBN 1101200979. This is one of the most frightening books i have ever read as well as one of the most fascinating. A history of the growth in us medical care in the early 1900’s in the leadup to the 1917 influenza outbreaks all through the states. The improvements in medical schools were not a government push but one through private benefactors (such as Rockefeller). Govt officials and many medical. / public health officials were ignorant, incompetent and/or corrupt at the time. As there was WWI on there a push to keep morale up – by downplaying the seriousness of the situation. Once the flu hit the overcrowded and often unsanitary huge army and navy yards through the country it ran rampant. killing thousands. Add to that incompetent city officials who ignored the advice of the medical minds, which led to thousands of unnecessary civilian deaths.

The stories of the tireless medical minds who attacked these and other infectious diseases is also fascinating. The author is very skilled in this. Would that more folks read this before the Covid outbreaks and we may have even been speedier in responding. A delight – but frightening as I said.

June 27th 2022

No Time Like the Future. An optimist considers mortality. Michael J.Fox.

No Time Like the Future. An optimist considers mortality. Michael J.Fox. 2020. ISBN 9781250265623. What a heartfelt memoir by quite a decent Canadian born actor. This starts when Michael was in his twenty’s, with a burgeoning acting career, learning he had up MS and then living with it to his mid-fifties Its raw and full of emotion as to how he was and is feeling. How the acting gigs changed and Michael changed over time. He gives full compliments to his wife and family and caregivers for their support and tireless patience with what was so often a real problem patient. Laugh when he discusses his drug induced hallucinations. Feel for those around hm for their belief in him. Lots of lessons to be learned from this book.

June 7th 2022

How the World Really Works. The science behind how we got here and where we are going. Vaclav Smil.

How the World Really Works. The science behind how we got here and where we are going. Vaclav Smil. 2022. ISBN 9780593297070.

This could be one of the top books of the year for me. Perhaps it’s my increasing age in conjunction with cynicism but I was ready for this book. The author is recognized as top 100 global Thinker. In some way a Rennaissance man, Vaclav brings a realistic view to the what is going on today. I always distrust politicians and public figures who preach a simplistic view of how we can “fix’ the world’s problems. (Perhaps that is due to the public regularly electing some of the truly stupid to public office. ) All countries, like Canada are deeply inter related internally and with other countries in politics, supply chains, resources and the lists go on. To improve the situation means that one must be realistic about ‘how the world works’. As an engineer I have been suspicious of politicians and think tanks pushing such things as a zero-carbon economy in 10-20 years. The author does a realistic analysis of this and shows that if we require cement, steel, ammonia (for fertilizer/food production) and electricity to build this future – that requires huge energy investments – well beyond what the alternatives to fossil fuels can and will provide for many years. A simple analysis of the energy required to “push” a jet passenger plane through the air shows that only fossil fuels provide the power to weight ration needed.

The author does not say do not address global warning, on the contrary he says we must. But he points out just how long this is going to take. (Decades and decades or more), if the World even really addresses it.

He asks are we willing to deny the African nations the chance to develop their economies like China has done? If so, they will need huge amounts of energy (fossil fuels) which will release emissions (CO2) into the atmosphere.

India and China still process and burn huge amounts of coal and will continue to do so as well as buying Russian oil regardless of world opinions.

Do the Western and EU nations wish to restrict their own “consumption” in order to reduce emissions? (They are already well ahead of the developing world in this).

He posits several changes to codes etc. that will assist us in reducing some energy consumption (Ie triple paned windows for all buildings, reducing food waste, more nuclear energy, producing and supporting local).

All in all, a very insightful book that brings rational thought to these arguments.

May 31st 2022

Freezing Order. A true story of money laundering, murder, and surviving Vladimir Putin’s wrath. Bill Browder

Freezing Order. A true story of money laundering, murder, and surviving Vladimir Putin’s wrath. Bill Browder. 2022 ISBN 97819821533335. A truly frightening book. The author was a hedge fund manager working Russia when like so many others, Putin wrenched his investments and funds away through illegal means. The author documents all this and more thefts by Putin and his allies in Russia. He also shows the trail of murders of those who defied Putin that followed. The author further documents the trail of Putin and crony assets all over the world. Browder further got to Putin through helping facilitate asset seizure legislation in most of the free world that threatens many Putin and oligarchs’ assets. Putin reacts with characteristic disinformation and bogus “crimes’ by Browder at every opportunity – going beyond harassment, character assignation and then physical threats. Browder does a reasonable dive into the links between Putin and Trump, which is further evidence of joint malfeasance. You come away with the realization that Russia is controlled by thieves on a massive scale. I gained sympathy for the those resisting Putin and the average Russian.

May 17th 2022

Selling the Price Increase. The ultimate field guide to raising prices without losing customers. Jeb Blount

Selling the Price Increase. The ultimate field guide to raising prices without losing customers. Jeb Blount. 2022. Jeb is a volume sales writer, who puts out really good sales books each year. I am a fan of his work and the content he religiously posts on LinkedIn etc. This book is slightly different as it addresses one prickly (to some sales people) topic. Jeb does his usual thorough analysis of the issue and then presents a step-by-step guide of how and what to do. (IMHO this is also a decent method for dealing with any angry customer.) Along with this you get a good dose of Jeb’s general guide to selling. My takeaway is that if you are a valued sales person to the client, then price increases can be communicated openly and received well. Very useful book for any sales person especially the young ones. We all need to be reminded of the bottom-line contribution of a price increase

May 10th 2022

The House of Kennedy. James Patterson.

The House of Kennedy. James Patterson.  2020. ISBN 9780316494885.  The prolific fiction writer, Patterson, takes a rare foray into non-fiction.  He strips away the deep layers of PR that have been used for covering up since the time of Joe Kennedy Sr. (  Gangster allied, ruthless businessman, racist, fascist millionaire)  all through the subsequent years.  Family skeletons are exposed and it is not a pretty sight.  Every Kennedy in the public eye (Ie all of the males)  has made its share of errors and even crimes (Jacks’s infidelities included).  I was raised through the Kennedy Camelot years where Jack and Robert were considered American royalty, heavily buttressed with PR and lawyer protection. It’s an insight into the “entitled”, filthy rich American lifestyle that goes on.  The escapades of the Trump bunch are just the logical extension of folks who live in a rich bubble and can get away with murder.  Well written and fast-paced, this is a useful, albeit cynical supporting, exposure of what can and did go wrong.    And maybe some insight into who did it and why Jack and Bobbie were publically executed by the powers that be (legal and criminal).

May 10th 2022

Improving Sales Momentum

Improving Sales Momentum

Lee Salz in Sell Different tells sales people how to look at communications in a different way to distinguish and differentiate themselves. I have added a few things to this. I call it: Reflect, Reply, Remind. My clients have been doing this for over a month now and we are seeing really strong sales results and often a shortening of the sales cycle

You are on a call/demo and its going well. The target is agreeing and telling you how your solution will meet their needs and what they like about it. During the call you must be making notes about all these points of agreement and next steps. You agree on follow up calendar date(s).
When you get off the call take a few beats to reflect on what went well, what didn’t go as planned, and what you can improve. (How else can  you get better at selling?)

Next, before taking the next call/activity,  send your follow up email to the target. In this email you reiterate the points of agreement and what the target said about your product and remind about the next steps (using your notes). This is done because when the target got off your call they dropped into a succession of other meetings, calls or a mass of emails. What you talked about is dropped into the everyday chaos and falls off the table. When they open your email, your conversation is brought forward.

On the next call you remind the client what they agreed on and what this call/demo is to achieve. You will find that they will remember more of the the last call and what needs to be done. You are not starting from zero, but are already halfway into a continuing discussion.

Rinse and repeat.

Why it works

Tony Robbins taught us how NLP ( Neuro Linguistic Programming) is able to affect communication.

A similar psychology is in play here , the warm feelings from the good previous call are brought into the next call. and the sales person is keeping the momentum.


Less desperation, more conversation.

May 3rd 2022

Sales Coaching Essentials. How to transform your sales team. Mark Garrett Hayes.

Sales Coaching Essentials. How to transform your sales team. Mark Garrett Hayes. 2022. ISBN 97861788603324.  This book does what it sets out to do.  In today’s world the effective sales leader is the head coach for the team.  This is a book I would put on my desk to reread and make notes. prior to coaching sessions. It is organized around topics that are of immediate importance to sales.  As well the overall view is leading the team and team members to solutions they come up with and are responsible for.  You don’t do the work for them.  Very useful book.

April 26th 2022

Little Brother. Cory Doctorow.

Little Brother. Cory Doctorow. 2007.  Free to anyone.  .  Always a favorite Sci fi writer, this book can bring shivers.  What could happen t some tech savvy teenagers, if Homeland Security went apeshit in their city?  What if the teens were versed in personal freedoms and decided that the DHS was way out of line, as were most adults after a terror attack?  Thats the thesis and Doctorow does a masterful job of weaving tech, civil rights and sci fi into a compelling hard to put down story.  Read this and you will learn quite a lot.  As well as having a blast while reading

April 19th 2022

Elite Sales Strategies. Anthony Iannarino

Elite Sales Strategies. Anthony Iannarino, 2022

This is likely my choice for sales book of the year. Anthony has penned a book that tells you the current state of modern sales.  Any sales leader, sales person or executive in sales should have this book on their shelf and read it a few times a year.  This can truly help you be different from the pack and really bring value to your clients from the get go.  I have all my sales coaching clients read his The Only Sales Guide You Will Ever Need before I engage with them.  I will now add Elite Sales Strategies as a must read.  Buy it, read it, work it and read it again