May 31st 2022

Freezing Order. A true story of money laundering, murder, and surviving Vladimir Putin’s wrath. Bill Browder

Freezing Order. A true story of money laundering, murder, and surviving Vladimir Putin’s wrath. Bill Browder. 2022 ISBN 97819821533335. A truly frightening book. The author was a hedge fund manager working Russia when like so many others, Putin wrenched his investments and funds away through illegal means. The author documents all this and more thefts by Putin and his allies in Russia. He also shows the trail of murders of those who defied Putin that followed. The author further documents the trail of Putin and crony assets all over the world. Browder further got to Putin through helping facilitate asset seizure legislation in most of the free world that threatens many Putin and oligarchs’ assets. Putin reacts with characteristic disinformation and bogus “crimes’ by Browder at every opportunity – going beyond harassment, character assignation and then physical threats. Browder does a reasonable dive into the links between Putin and Trump, which is further evidence of joint malfeasance. You come away with the realization that Russia is controlled by thieves on a massive scale. I gained sympathy for the those resisting Putin and the average Russian.

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