November 10th 2014

Smart Cities. Big Data, Civic backers, and the quest for a new utopia. Antony M. Townsend.

Smart Cities. Big Data, Civic backers, and the quest for a new utopia. Antony M. Townsend. 2013.   A serious review/analysis of civic planning and how we got to the topic of smart cities.   This is quite a neutral work that looks at most of the large and small projects and approaches that have been and are being tried.  What the reader will appreciate is the chance to form his/her own opinions on the topic. The field is fast changing and the execution quite complex since cities are multi facets and subject to many inputs.  Fiscal restraints can work to a benefit as large projects seem most prone to go off the rails.  Again setting up a municipally owned fibre network seems to the starting point for today’s initiatives.   Lengthy but a well written book heavily noted in the appendix.



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