Archive for November 17th, 2014

Baseline Selling. Dave Kurlan

Baseball game

Baseline Selling. Dave Kurlan. 2006. ISBN 1420895672.  I discovered the author in notes in another sales book. The idea of comparing selling to a baseball game was intriguing as at Rocketbuilders we had kicked the game idea around several times in our explanations in sessions.  As Kurlan points out getting to every base and then hoem is very much like the stages in a selling process.  I appreciated his care in pointing out the need to identify the buyers process ( long before it became fashion able to do so.)  He also gives credit to several other authors ( including Sharon Drew Morgan)  in shaping his point of view.  A very reasoned and readable book,  I highly recommend it to those new to sales or if you want to sharpen up your teams execution. His Blog is well done .