Archive for August 18th, 2014

Who Gets Promoted Who Doesn’t and Why. 12 things you better do if you want to get ahead. Donald Asher

SVT Happy Hour

Who Gets Promoted Who Doesn’t and Why. 12 things you better  do if you want to get ahead. Donald Asher. 2007, 2014. ISBN 9781607746003.  A book filled with very sage career advice from an author who really knows this stuff. As I read the book I kept saying to myself, I wish I knew this when I was …on and on. He has a great sensitivity to all aspects of being in the workforce. I appreciated all the advice he directed to women and those who supervised them.  I enjoy the use of real life examples, to bring the points home. A book for anyone who wants a career to “moves” and gives them challenges and fulfillment.  If you think you are  a fast tracker – get this book to read, reread and keep forever. There is not a wasted word.