Archive for June 14th, 2013

Whiteboard Selling. Empowering sales through visuals. Corey Sommers , David Jenkins

English: I made this image myself in microsoft...

Whiteboard Selling. Empowering sales through visuals. Corey Sommers , David Jenkins. 2013. ISBN 9781118379769.  Good line in the book – Why try to improve your PowerPoint? That is putting lipstick on the pig, lets just fry up some bacon!   The two authors make a compelling case for killing  the PowerPoint and getting good at white-boarding your solutions in sales calls.   This rings true for us as we work to help sales teams simplify things for their buyers – when all too often they just add our material to an an already bulging PPoint deck!   The analyses and use cases are terrific and the test is easy to read.  Top performers will grab this book  and make their sales callas even more productive.   Terrific tool and something every b2b salesperson should have.