Archive for June 3rd, 2013

Sidetracked. Why our decisions get derailed and how we can stick with the plan. Francesca Gino

English: Decisions Decisions (Horton, Oxwich P...

Sidetracked. Why our decisions get derailed and how we can stick with the plan. Francesca Gino. 2013.ISBN 139781422142691. The author is a colleague of Dan Ariely, so if you have read his books a few of the experiments are repeated here, but along the lines of  Predictably Irrational there are many more experiments here that are new and fascinating.  The author is very insightful and asks very good questions.   She comes up with nine rules to live by in order to get done what you intend to get done.

Be aware of:

  1. Your surroundings
  2. Your emotions
  3. Zooming out not just focusing in
  4. The other persons point of view
  5. What bonds to question
  6. Checking reference points
  7. Considering the source
  8. Investigating and questioning your frame
  9. how to make your standards shine.

Clearly written and well edited,  this book flows so nicely you may,  like me,  read it in one sitting. Good book for that five hour flight across country. It brings insight into so many of our decisions.