Archive for October 7th, 2010

the mesh. Why the future of business is sharing. Lisa Gansky

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the mesh. Why the future of business is sharing.  Lisa Gansky. 2010. ISBN 9781591843719. This is a must read book for business this year.  Ever wondered how and why Zipcars is growing so fast?  Want to find out about over 1000 ventures that have solid business models around sharing?  If you want to make serious money this is a book to read. Visit  where she has also created an up to date Directory of these types of businesses .  You are welcome to share it as long as you give it full attribution to Lisa. The writing is quite “friendly” like a neighbour chatting. Some may have wanted a bit more tight editing, but I found it fine.  About enough to read on a three hour plane ride/ wait.

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Pricing panel event coming to Vancouver, Oct 20th

English Bay, Vancouver, Canada.

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Pricing is extremely important to your profits.  You hope that you have made the best decisions about price, yet how do you  find out if you maybe leaving money on the table with every deal, due to pricing.

On October 20th, BCTIA is hosting a panel discussion on pricing.  Myself  along two much smarter people (Leverage Point – Boston and PricingWire – Seattle)  will provide short presentations on the topic, interlaced with examples from local technology companies and high profile product examples such as Apple’s and RIM’s. A panel discussion with insightful moderated Q&A will follow.

I would welcome your thoughts on pricing captured on this short survey.

Register at:

The event is on LinkedIn:
Wednesday, October 20, 2010 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM (Pacific Time)
Segal School of Business
500 Granville St
Vancouver, British Columbia
Phone: 6046025241, Email:
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