June 11th 2010

Winning Body Language. Control the conversation, command attention, & convey the right message without saying a word. Mark Bowden

Banquet Keynoter Mark Bowden
Image by gottasharepics via Flickr

Winning Body Language. Control the conversation, command attention, & convey the right message without saying a word. Mark Bowden 2010. ISBN 9780071700573.  We spend a lot of time on writing the best content.  Yet, the author states, in communication the audience is paying attention in the following split; 7% the words, 38% the voice and 55% the body language.  Makes one think?  Now I know why I did not believe that CEO saying that everything is just fine, when his body betrayed him.  Bowden is an expert at on body language, having a strong background in performance and theatre. His anecdotes on projects he has taken on are fascinating. The core of the book is bang on the topic , finding a wide range of applicability. As we do many webinars, I found  his tips on those,  very useful, as he tells you exactly how to fight the talking head style.   I always wondered why Steven Coveys presentations were so “truthful”.  I also appreciated the comment on getting away from behind a lectern etc – as removing a barrier. Lots here, a good read and it is clearly written

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