Archive for November 18th, 2008

Predictably Irrational. The hidden factors that shape our decisions. Dan Ariely.

Law and Human Behavior

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Predictably Irrational. The hidden factors that shape our decisions. Dan Ariely. 2008. ISBN 9780061353239. What a delightful book! If you have ever suspected that you are not always making the most logical decisions, This book provides resounding evidence that you are in very large company. I was astounded at what I learned in the 12 content chapters. If you are a student of pricing, decision making and human behavior this is the book for you. Unlike the anecdotal stories in Freakonnomics, and their ilk, this book has based real research and has science behind it. It makes the content that much more useful to all of us. The utility of the information in here for marketing is very high. The surprise of all this is that the book is very easy to read. A very good 4 hour airplane book.

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