Archive for November 11th, 2008

The First Five Pages. A writer’s guide to staying out of the rejection pile. Noah Lukeman


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Book cover via Amazon

The First Five Pages. A writer’s guide to staying out of the rejection pile. Noah Lukeman. 2000. 9780684857435.  I picked this up as potentially a resource for us in editing compelling emails and white papers.  There is some very good info on that buried in this book. However, if you want to write for profit and publication, this is a terrific little all round resource. I admire books like this ( Strunk and White, Zinsser and Co) that are able to quickly, simply and so easily get to the heart of what could be a complex subject like editing/rewriting.  To me, it is the mark of true masters to make the difficult easy to understand. Lukeman is an agent who has also been an editor- he knows the business and lays out the goods. The book is organized from the easiest to fix to the most complex. You become sympathetic to the underpaid editors being crushed by piles of unread manuscripts.  Telling stat.  Only 11 books out of 50 000 published a year sell a million copies. I am now off to slay a few adverbs/adjectives.

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