September 24th 2008

never eat alone. And other secrets to success, one relationship at a time. Keith Ferrazzi.

Book cover of

Book cover via Amazon

never eat alone. And other secrets to success, one relationship at a time. Keith Ferrazzi.  2008. ISBN 038551205.  Tom Peters calls this one of the most valuable books he has seen in along time. I agree.  If schools just handed out this book to their graduates, admonishing them to read it, lots of people would be much more successful in their careers.  Have you ever wondered how some people are able to chart a career path that you could only dream about? How do they meet and learn from such powerful and highly placed people?  How do they become so popular and remain so enthusiastic about life.  The answers to that and much more are in this book.  Here is a person who was CMO of Deloittes, Starwood Hotels, CEO of YaYa media.  And he struggled to get into the schools and society.  No silver spoons or hand outs here.  I urge  my readers to get this book, read it, gift copies to their children and practice practice practice.  In Keith’s words , be audacious.  IN one book here is a systematic plan for getting to your  career goals.   check out for lots of resources.

Seibel Pier One Hotel 2

Image by reg_nordman via Flickr

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One Response to: “never eat alone. And other secrets to success, one relationship at a time. Keith Ferrazzi.”

  1. Definitely, Never Eat Alone does a great job of speaking to the importance of just how important forming relationships are and how they fit into the big picture.

    He also teaches and gives examples from his personal experience on how to go about doing it. Stuff like how to share – at the right level – personal information about yourself in a conversation to form stronger connections with people, how to handle mingling in a room of strangers, or even how to form a connection with your boss and forming relationships with the higher-ups in your organization.

    Definitely a must read.

    Malcolm Bastien said on 25 Sep 2008 at 2:00 pm #

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