April 18th 2008

selling against the goal. How corporate sales professionals generate the leads they need. Kendra Lee

Selling against the goal. How corporate sales professionals generate the leads they need. Kendra Lee. 2005. ISBN 1419508253. Take this book and Brian Carroll’s book and you pretty well have the complete package of lead generation activities. Lee goes into detail and depth to give the sales professional a high value resource. If you just started with medium to large sized firm in sales, this book is a road map to high performance sales. It does assume two things, that you know how to sell and marketing is doing its job. These two assumptions apply so rarely to the small to medium business.

Another place where sales will run into an issue is that sales people are not good at creating good content and copy for lead gen programs. Its not in their genes. Of course they think they do. (I certainly did until it was proven over and over to me) Most of Lee’s copy examples are quite good, but some illustrate that fatal flaw about salesmen, they can forget that to get customer interest you do not start out talking about your Co. or yourself.

So although this is a must buy book for sales people, it does not address what you need in regards to great copy. You should combine your work laid out in this book with that of a  marketing peer who understands compelling copy. Of course as a good sales person , you could not at first tell the difference  ‘tween compelling copy and just copy. But, you will think you do.

Selling Against the Goal: How Corporate Sales Professionals Generate the Leads They Need

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One Response to: “selling against the goal. How corporate sales professionals generate the leads they need. Kendra Lee”

  1. That is an interesting article. In our experience website owners find it difficult to understand visitor behaviour even with good systems such as Google Analytics.

    We have recently come across an excellent piece of software that not only allows them to monitor individual user behaviour in real time, but also facilitates direct engagement between visitor and user. This has been increasing conversions by an average of 15% in the websites we have implemented it in.

    It seems that the individualised data gives a more enlightening perspective.

    Mark.Jones said on 23 May 2008 at 9:26 am #

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