September 14th 2008

Kick-Ass Copywriting in 10 Easy Steps. Build the buzz and sell the sizzle. Susan Gunelius

Controversy Sells album coverImage via Wikipedia

Kick-Ass Copywriting in 10 Easy Steps.  Build the buzz and sell the sizzle. Susan Gunelius. 2008. ISBN 9781599182537.  This is a very useful book. First she provides you with a  Copywriting Outline which immediately helps the small business person identify the holes in their approaches to copy.  She shows how and why writing copy is different from all other writing. (At Rocket Builders we run into this issue all the time with clients who get off on the wrong foot with their copy)  By reading this book you will obtain much better clarity about copy and an increased appreciation for how hard it is to write clear useful, consistent copy.  She has taken a small business B2B focus – which makes this book useful to a vary broad audience since the examples are simple, believable and in small enough chunks that you can learn from them. A long way back I learned that it takes a real expert to translate a complex process into simple steps.   She has made one of the clearest statements about why too much information slows your sales process, ” Extra words can confuse and slow down customers.  Write for those who have little time to read.”  This is one book every marketing manager should have on his desk, it will be well used.

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One Response to: “Kick-Ass Copywriting in 10 Easy Steps. Build the buzz and sell the sizzle. Susan Gunelius”

  1. Thank you so much for the positive review. I’m very happy that you enjoyed my book, and based on your review, it looks like I achieved my goal of providing small business owners and beginner copywriters the tools they need to write compelling copy for any medium.

    Susan Gunelius said on 15 Sep 2008 at 5:24 am #

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