Archive for August 25th, 2008

8 To Be Great. The 8 traits that lead to great success. Richard St. John

Two girls smiling.Image via Wikipedia

8 To Be Great. The 8 traits that lead to great success. Richard St. John. 20057. ISBN 9780973900910. This book is a delight!  Very easy to read, chock full of quotes from 100s of successful people.  The book was sparked by a little girl asking the author – ” So how do you get successful?”  He spent several years interviewing those considered successful and most of them gave him something like the eight traits. The eight traits are:

  1. Passion
  2. Work
  3. Focus
  4. Push
  5. Ideas
  6. Improve
  7. Serve
  8. Persist

A book to inspire and help you get to where you are destined to go to!  I packed it around for a few weeks, reading and rereading sections. To some people this could be a life changing book.  Very well done. Lots of Canadian references as well.

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Literary reflections. James A. Michener.

Author James Albert Michener attends an observ...Image via Wikipedia

Literary reflections. James A. Michener.  1993. ISBN 0812550528.  Mitchener on Mitchener, Margaret Mitchell, Ernest Hemingway Truman Capote & others.   I am slowly building my collection of writer’s tools.   This one is a loosely organized set of insightful essays showing Mitchener’s growth as a reader and writer.  His life experiences are shown, but only briefly (giving me a desire to know more) He gives us some of his most useful writing tools and work attitudes. His thoughts on  writers that had great impact on him was what I found  revealing. Some writers I had read, but others I had not. He has caused me to want to read those ones too.   I am learning just how much homework these successful writers put into becoming skilled craftsmen.   This is an easy delightful read, well worth the few hours required (definitely not one of his “big” books).  Unexpected treats are his poems sprinkled throughout.

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