January 31st 2008

Can he buy? Can the person who you are talking to make the buying decision?

Can he buy? Can the person who you are talking to make the buying decision? Lesson learned from Value Selling. You want to find out if the person you are dealing with in a sale has the authority, research and courage to buy? That person can be harder to find these days. approval levels have risen two positions in the past few years in order to protect people from making mistakes, and to protect the company from ill-advised spending. So you can not expect that the mid level person who bought from you two years ago, does not need approval today. So now you have two more folks to educate than before. One way to quickly find out is to ask, “Is there anyone who can say No to this ? (This tactic from Masters of Sales).

Successful sales people today are understanding that to maintain the sales they are used to having they need to talk to more people, cover more bases and increase their professionalism. So what will happen when the executives you want to contact outsource to a virtual assiatant in India the reading of their email and the answering of their voice mail? Its happenin. Read this blog posting from Tim Ferris.
You better have real zingers in your messages to get through. See also the Metaphorically Selling review

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