Archive for January 4th, 2008

Life’s Secrets- There really aren’t any, an anthology of excerpts of author Tim Connor. Guest Review – Brock Nordman

Life’s Secrets- there really aren’t any, an anthology of excerpts from the writing of best selling author, Tim Connor, CSp.. 91 Mistakes Smart Salespeople Make
isbn.1-930376-90-1. Guest review by Brock Nordman

The start of this book gets you interested into why all of these collections have been placed into one novel, but as you read you find out that the snip-its he has put in all go under one very large topic, yourself.

By dealing with the personal issues that each one of us have, and by exploring each one with the interactions we have in our day to day lives Tim has tried to reinforce that no matter who you blame or point fingers at for your disappointment the main reason is yourself.

Quick read, but does tend to jump since it is a collection, between thoughts and stories. Though one important thing I feel is missing from this book is a section which ties in all that he wishes for his readers to get from this book, it would almost seem like just another book to put on the shelf, but I expect there is more to it. The writer simply choses to let the reader fill in his/her blanks and opinions.

The author is prolific with about 50 books listed on Amazon.


Brock Nordman is Reg Nordman’s fourth (21 yrs) son. Presently completing his studies at UBC Forestry Wood Products Processing. His interests lie in business, entrepreneurship, and woodworking

My four sons and IMy four sons and IHow he has changed!How he has changed!