Archive for October 7th, 2005

Secrets of Power Persuasion for Salespeople. Roger Dawson

Secrets of Power Persuasion for Salespeople. Roger Dawson. 2004. ISBN
1564147428. (Author of The Secrets of Power Negotiation). I have his
previous book on tape and it has been a powerful assist in learning to
negotiate. This book is also very good. His examples and details are
right up there. Easy read and easy to put into practise. But it is more
than a sales book, it is a life book since it helps you with many daily
situations. Having an engineering background I am a poor listener ( If I
had the time I could just do a better job of anything myself) so I
appreciated his mastery tips on effective listening to folks in many
situations. Worth a read and I found it at a remainder store.
(Quick tip, often you can get these older books really inexpensively
from I have had very good service from it)

Superstar Sales Secrets. Barry Farber

Superstar Sales Secrets. Barry Farber. 2003. ISBN 156414658. (Author of
The 12 Cliches of Selling). A simple little treasure trove of sales
techniques and ideas. The author has been there and done that and it
shows. Short, concise and very readable, this book (149pp) does not
steer you wrong.