Archive for October 14th, 2021

The Lost Continent. Travels in Small Town America and Neither Here nor There. Bill Bryson

The Lost Continent. Travels in Small Town America and Neither Here nor There. Bill Bryson. 1992. A hilarious account of a lengthy road trip in America after Bryson had lived in the UK for many years.   It is candid, sarcastic sometimes cynical.   By paying attention you get insights into the reality of the small town USA’s view of America and the world ( not so important).  You recognize the vacuity and brevity of US media and the resultant widespread ignorance of the world at large.  Its pretty easy to see how the partisanship and chaos that we see now has its roots in many years of self centered righteousness that covers the country. Also you find out about the striking difference in attitude and behaviors from state to state.  Still a useful read.