Archive for July 13th, 2015

Selling Above and Below the Line. Convince the C-Suite.Win over management. Secure the sale. William Miller.

English: Selling tractors, Cambridge Machinery...

Selling Above and Below the Line. Convince the C-Suite.Win over management. Secure the sale. William Miller. 2015. ISBN 97808144348533. This is a missing book in your sales library. The author has simplified the value sale by splitting it in two parts.  Below The Line buyers are still concerned with features and benefits (and you need to address this) .  The Above the Line buyers are concerned with why they want to buy ( the value/impact) and many sales people do not address this.  This view makes your selling that much more effective.  ATL buyers can add more speed , budget and focus to your deal.  But its likely you may not have known how to get there. Now you have a guide book to help you make this happen .  Miller has a clear concise written style with enough illustrations and stories to make his points.  Buy this, read it , and keep it handy.