Archive for July 25th, 2014

Hire Right, Higher Profit$ The executive’s guide to building a world-class sales force. Lee B. Salz.

English: Cost-Volume-Profit diagram, showing b...

Hire Right, Higher Profit$ The executive’s guide to building a world-class sales force. Lee B. Salz. 2013. ISBN 9781493762620. This concise very readable volume packs in a lot of game changing information on hiring top quality sales people. These is just so much great common sense that I was surprised that someone else had not done this work before.  The ideas and strategies the author puts forth are practical and I know they work.   Why not have marketing help you write your sales ad?  They know  how to attract customers,  a salesman is another type of customer.   I have seen the hiring done very poorly and not often well.   This book will help you immensely in doing the job very well. Every sales manager needs this book on their desk. Once you read it you will keep it close to hand.