Archive for January 17th, 2014

The Ageless Generation. How advances in biomedicine will transform the global economy. Alex Zhavoronkov.

Estimated Funding Gaps in Medicare and Social ...

Estimated Funding Gaps in Medicare and Social Security (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Ageless Generation. How advances in biomedicine will transform the global economy. Alex Zhavoronkov.2013. ISBN 9780230342200.

A provocative and inspirational book. In a relatively few pages, the author has summarized what Kurzweil talked about in Fantastic Voyage , Live long enough to live forever ( 2004) plus he has added the incentive that our Medicare and Social Security systems are unsustainable.

I took a few elements to heart.  With present issues of  a growing skills gap, fewer replacement workers and increased longevity it makes great sense for skilled workers to work until 70 or longer.  This takes pressure off pensions, mediacre and retains mental acuity. I like to say I tried to retire three times and its not for me.  A few more holidays a year interspersed with some amazing interactions with up and coming companies is just about right.

The second item I agree with is that there are no penalties in our system for people whose life style contributes to their eventual huge resources drain on the system.  I talk about smokers,  heavy drinkers,  overly sedentary people who are a series of heart attacks and extended care  just waiting to happen. There is no eventual financial pressure on people who live a  self abusive lifestyle ( except early loss of employment income).   Japan has an annual belt size test that is gaining some ground in their fight against obesity.

A worthwhile read for everyone and it just might change your attitude to growing old. And the author believes that is a very good thing.

Cover of "Fantastic Voyage (Special Editi...

Cover of Fantastic Voyage (Special Edition)