Archive for May 17th, 2013

Customer Centric Selling Field Guide to Prospecting and Business Development. Gary Walker.


Customer Centric Selling Field Guide to Prospecting and Business Development. Gary Walker. 2013. ISBN 9780071808057.  All too often a sales book starts out assuming no help from marketing and/or the sales person has to do everything.  This book is better than most in that it lays out exactly where marketing can best help sales.  The book is realistic through using field guide style for what to do in prospecting and BD. It is interactive, pragmatic and immediately useful to every salesperson. I appreciated that the author has woven in all the latest techniques and tools to help you make your number efficiently and effectively.  I read the authors blog regularly and it too is full of very useful content to rocket launch your sales.  A book for all the high producers, those to aspire to be a high producer and all sales leaders.