Archive for October 1st, 2012

revenue disruption. Game changing sales and marketing strategies to accelerate growth. Phil Fernandez.

You see these about every 10 meters on the roa...

revenue disruption. Game changing sales and marketing strategies to accelerate growth. Phil Fernandez.2012. ISBN 9781118299296. At last!!!! Someone has written a book on how to align sales and marketing toward revenue.  The author of this easy to read book is CEO of Marketo – which offers software to compliment this alignment.  Despite his vested interest this is a very good book.  He is right,  each sales resource is very expensive and it should be talking to highly qualified leads. Our firm has been working on this topic for ten years and we have the scars and data to show that it works. Why do it?  Here are some scary stats of waste that needs to be taken out  (this leaves over $1 Trillion a year on the table) :

  • 94 % of all marketing qualified leads will never close
  • Sales reps spend 68% of their time not talking to customers
  • The ave. sales team will make 1000 telephone calls to close one sale
  • 52% of sales reps in US do not achieve quota.

Once you look at Revenue generation (integrating sales and marketing)  you come up with the different marketing sales metrics to track

  1. Flow – How many people entered each pipeline stage in a given period.  Trend up or down?
  2. Balance – How many people in ea pipeline stage? How many accounts? Do they vary by lead type? are nos going up or down?
  3. Conversion. What is the conversion rate from stage to stage? Which types of leads have the best conversion rate?
  4. Velocity. What is the average “revenue cycle” time? How does it break down by stage?

This ties exactly with what our company believes in and practices with clients.  Most companies just waste their sales and marketing dollars.  And it is so fixable….