Archive for September 12th, 2011

Maximizing Lead Generation. The complete guide for b2b marketers. Ruth P. Stevens.

Beijing - Summer Palace SuZhou Market Street

Maximizing Lead Generation. The complete guide for b2b marketers. Ruth P. Stevens. 2012. ISBN9780789741141.  The subhead is really true, this is a thorough and complete book on lead gen. Combine this with Brian Carrols work and you have all you need.  I recommend this book for the beginner through to the grey haired pro. Sure the tools will continue to improve, but the basics as laid out by the author are very very current. Warning, read this carefully as the  author is concise and direct, so it is up to you to understand each part of each step, including the need for great copy. A great addition to marketing literature and I suggest this is a must buy.

A great Saturday outing

Last Saturday was the annual luxury cars show at VanDusen gardens in Vancouver. Combine incredible (for Vancouver) weather and desirable (and costly) cars  in a luscious garden made for a delightful way to spend a morning.   For those who love beautiful cars , clink on the link and enjoy.

Beauty in Red