Archive for May 18th, 2011

Conversations for Change. 12 ways to say it right when it matters most. Shawn Kent Hayashi.

Rosetta Stone at the British Museum

Image by Chris Devers via Flickr

Conversations for Change. 12 ways to say it right when it matters most. Shawn Kent Hayashi. 2011. ISBN 9780071745284.   A profound book.  It is one not to rush through but to savour.  I would  read a bit, think about a life experience that it brought to mind, analyze lessons learned ( or not), and then read some more. As a result this book took almost a month to read. I really enjoyed it and it made quite an impression on me . Would that I knew 1/10th of it in years gone past.  If you work with, live with, or interact with others this book brings tremendous value. If you are unwilling to change  (or see any need)  then do not bother to read this.  I was intrigued that the author puts very little real content on her website.  Very old school which makes her hard to find!