Archive for August 12th, 2010

eMarketing Strategies for the Complex Sale. Ardath Albee

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eMarketing Strategies for the Complex Sale. Ardath Albee, 2010. ISBN 9780071628648.  At last, a thoughtful effective marketing book written on how to accelerate sales!  I have waited so many years for a book such as this. ( Recently I was getting resigned to having to write it myself!)   I am adding this book to the must read list for sales people new and old.  She thinks, talks and  writes about things from the buyers perspective. I took forever to read this book, each section was chock full of terrific content and strategies causing me to take copious notes. It just makes so much sense to what we see every day in our practise.   So it you take this book , with Jill  Konrath‘s new one and Sharon Drew Morgen’s work you will have the trifecta of today’s real world sales approaches.  Albee also references Brian Carroll’s great work on lead generation (and you see his sales ready leads comments come through) . Albee’s blogs and sites (more than one) are highly referenced in marketing today.  Anyone who has to sell products and services today must buy this book.