Archive for July 14th, 2010

Mojo. How to get it, how to keep it, how to get it back if you lose it. Marshall Goldsmith

Marshall Goldsmith (20 March 1949) is an Ameri...
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Mojo. How to get it, how to keep it, how to get it back if you lose it. Marshall Goldsmith. 2009. ISBN 978140132327.  Thank you MaryEllen for recommending this author. Famous as the coaches coach, Goldsmith certainly deserves the title.  I found this little book to be chock full of extremely useful immediately  applicable insights. His writing style is simple, concise and direct – yet he comes across as just so Da,,,mn useful.  For me the lighthouse point was his comment that there really is no use for you in getting upset at people being who they are. They can not help it.  Once you realize this you can forgive them for being who they are. And move on to change what you can.  Good read, great book, terrific summer recharger.  check out more including the smartphone app at

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