Archive for April 9th, 2010

Seizing The White Space. Business model innovation for growth and renewal. Mark W. Johnson.

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Seizing The White Space. Business model innovation for growth and renewal. Mark W. Johnson.2010 ISBN 9781422124819.  The author is co-founder with Clay Christensen of Innosight.   This book is distilled from many years of applying the Innovators Dilemma.  For that alone it is an important book. However the author has stepped even further down the path of applicability  by forcing you the reader to consider your business as solving the question, ” what job does the customer want done?”  From there one can see applying the ideas of Blue Ocean Strategy (Johnson alls it “white space” . But the growth in your learning continues as you realize just how powerful these ideas are for reinventing your company business model.   The author could have stopped then and it would have been a fine book. But he is thorough and so he proceeds to show you all the things that interfere with new business model innovation, how  many different approaches worked (or failed)  for different companies and the structural thinking behind it.   This is not a huge book , nor a heavy read .  It is theory into practice with a heavy emphasis on practical.  This is a must read, must own book if you are or aspire to be a business leader.

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