Archive for August 13th, 2007

Pattern Recognition. William Gibson.

Pattern Recognition. William Gibson. 2003. ISBN 0425192938. Vancouver’s most famous SF author paints some pretty incredible scenes with this one based in London, Tokyo, and Moscow, not that far in the future, The heroine is a coolhunter, someone who recognizes trends and patterns of behavior before anyone else and sells advice to marketing companies for big bucks. Oh and she has negative reactions to labels so she lives in generic clothes and lodgings. He grabs your attention from behind and before you know it you care about this mystery she is drawn to solve and all the ancillary characters involved. Great summer read and he nails how some companies are trying to manipulate word of mouth marketing.  OK Spook country has been released (And its location is  Vancouver)

The New Influencers. A marketers guide to the new social media. Paul Gillin

The New Influencers. A marketers’ guide to the new social media. Paul Gillin. 2007. ISBN 1884956653. This title is a tad misleading, because the book is pretty well focussed on blogging, blogs, tagging and podcasts. The explosive nature of social media, means that much more has happened since he sent this book to the press. However it is still a good resource. The foreword by Geoffrey Moore is a treasure. Also the small stories about influencers etc in this area are very useful. (Do you know what Dan Bricklin is up to these days? ) Gillin sends you to some applicable resources. E.g. Podsafe music is “free” music that you can use on your podcast, provided the artist gets attribution. It will date pretty fast, but if you can get it from the library etc. it is a worthwhile read.