Archive for August 1st, 2007

Are you working on sales efficiency when you should also pay attention to sales effectiveness?

Are you working on sales efficiency when you should also pay attention to sales effectiveness?

Sales efficiency is the execution of selling. What you do when you are in front of the customer. This is the focus of almost all sales training and writing over the years. You have likely bought material in this ilk. Some of it is very good. Sales people need to go through these types of programs to do their job better. It will help build up your sales teams average ability. Your sales guys plug the leads you give them into the “process” and duly execute it, and some get good at it. But it just still seems to take a long time, and you suspect there is a better way.

Sales effectiveness is the better way. There is some being written on it today. It is one of the reasons why the top 1% of US sales people earn $350 000 or more a year. It is how some of the strongest performing companies in the market consistently outperform their peers. I know that I have a very high chance of closing a sale if the prospect calls me. Sales effectiveness moves me closer to the client calling me to talk about his business and how I might have a product to help him . This involves an end to end marketing and sales program. It is how a company approaches the acquisition of a customer. Its how we do things at Rocket Builders.
In order to help better organize the sales literature I have gone through all my book reviews back to 2001. I have categorized the sales books into two sets; Sales Efficiency ( the “sales” model) and Sales Effectiveness. So to help you with your own reading program here it is. (Notice that my posts now go back to 2001.)

Sales efficiency and sales effectiveness bibliography