Archive for April 24th, 2007

Focus. The Future of Your Company Depends on it. Al Ries.

Focus. The Future of Your Company Depends on it. Al Ries. 1996. ISBN 978006799908. Yes , 1996! Found this in a book-bin and realized that although I have read his successive books on marketing I never read the original book where he presented all his and Laura Reis’ research. This is a trip back in time, but his predictions are uncanny! Lesson learned, he suggested IBM should move to “open source” long long ago. I defy you to read this and not have second thoughts about brand, message, and marketing today. Absolutely timeless book, despite the examples being all over 11 yrs old! Great for the bookshelf and a regular reference book. Pretty cheap these days!

Focus: The Future of Your Company Depends on It