Archive for April 16th, 2007

Soldier Statesman Peacemaker. Leadership Lessons from George C. Marshall. Jack Uldrich

Soldier Statesman Peacemaker. Leadership Lessons from George C. Marshall. Jack Uldrich. 2005. ISBN0814408575. Today the legacy of George C. Marshall is seen everywhere in Europe thanks to his tireless preparation for WWII, running the US war and then heading the after war efforts to rebuild Europe. He believed that one could never over prepare for war and the peace that ensues after. Too bad GW Bush and Chenay never read his work! The book illustrates Marshall’s Nine Core Values with examples from his career as well as with present day efforts by current CEOs. Trumen’s “doomed to repeat ” quote about the perils of ignoring history resound out of this book as you see how the US and Canada are responding to the current wars. Marshal was a man with a mission, to get any war over as quickly as possible, to spare as many lives as possible, and to do everything he could to show the troops that the military and the country was 100% behind them at all times. History used Marshall well and then he seems to have been forgotten. Easy. organized read that I recommend for those looking for leadership lessons. Get it from or Amacom.