February 10th 2007

I am going Live tonite! Speaking to tomorrows leaders of industry

Tonight I am speaking to group of students from all over North America at a conference put on by AIESEC the world’s largest student organization. It is the international platform for young people to discover and develop their potential so as to have a positive impact on society.

In addition to providing over 5,000 leadership positions and delivering over 350 conferences to our membership of over 22,000 students , AIESEC also runs an exchange program that enables over 4,000 students and recent graduates the opportunity to live and work in another country . (from their website)

This is a really cool organization. What an innovative idea. Take students out at 3rd year and send them off to other countries to do real work that is really needed. Also give them a method to hook up with each other and share their ideas.

My topic? Life lessons learned over 35 years, 3 degrees, 4 boys, on leadership, education, and personal development.I gave a related alumni talk on the value of an education to the UBC Mining Engineering students a few years back. Funny they never asked me back!

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