Archive for July 12th, 2005

The Only Sustainable Edge. John Hagel III and John Seeley Brown,The theory behind The World is Flat

The Only Sustainable Edge. John Hagel III and John Seeley Brown. 2005.
ISBN 1591397200. An academic look at the impact of globalization, that
challenges what we could say is conventional thinking. The ways to meet
the ongoing competitive pressures all business face is laid out here.
But the tome is not for the faint of heart. It seems to take forever to
digest. They believe that it is paramount to strategically address
talent development, specialization, connectivity (loosely coupled) and
coordination ( process chains and enablers) The number of authors who
are giving us roadmaps to international success is getting quite large.
The gist is that open borders and open competition is good for everyone.
They also point out that in early days the American manufacturers
freely ignored copyright on British inventions, just like the Chinese
have been doing for awhile.