Archive for February 23rd, 2020

Tactical Pipeline Growth. Winning the battle for new business. Mark McInnes

Tactical Pipeline Growth. Winning the battle for new business. Mark McInnes. 2020  ISBN 9780646819938.  The author has put together a very practical, pragmatic book on tactical sales methods. He is also very organized and logical making this a good guide to building internal sales processes.   You will still need a good idea of your ideal client, the types of language and content that works for them. As well you need good marketing chops to drive leads and traffic to work with.  That done, this book will make sure you take the best care of the leads you work with.  Worth any sales professional’s time to read this.

Tactical Pipeline Growth, Winning the outbound battle for new business. Mark MacInnis

Tactical Pipeline Growth, Winning the outbound battle for new business. Mark MacInnis.  2020. ISBN 9780646819938.  The author has put together a very practical, pragmatic book on tactical sales methods. He is also very organized and logical making this a good guide to building internal sales processes.   You will still need a good idea of your ideal client, the types of language and content that works for them. As well you need good marketing chops to drive leads and traffic to work with.  That done, this book will make sure you take the best care of the leads you work with.  Worth any sales professional’s time to read this.