October 14th 2019

why does E-mc²? (and why should we care?) Brian Cox & Jeff Forshaw.

why does E-mc²? (and why should we care?) Brian Cox & Jeff Forshaw. 2009.  Two English physicists/instructors (PhD)  have written an introductory text on the present theories of the elementary particles. They have been ingenious through starting with work of Newton, Faraday and Maxwell et al, then developing with Einstein  and the successive researchers taking the reader right up to the Higgs Bosun particle work. It is not a book to rush through but if you follow along the whole series of theory and relevant equations makes much more sense than before. They are clever enough to give the reader breathing space when getting into more detail.  Despite knowing the ending, you are pulled through just to see how this all came about.  Well worth the read.

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