September 2nd 2019

Dewey Andreas Series. Ben Coes

Dewey Andreas Series. Ben Coes.  Current thriller/espionage series ( 8 in all) in the style of Michael Flynn and others.  Power  Down sets the stage and the backstory and the series adds on from there. America is under attack and each book covers a different key actor who is driving it. From Muslim , Iran, China , Russia , North Korea, and even some internal US players pretty well everyone gets into the act.  And always in the end, All American Seal, Delta Dewey Andreas saves the day  while getting in and out of serious death defying situations. There seems an unending appetite for these rah rah America home and builder of the tough warrior novels where the weapons are described in agonizing detail as are  the planes, helios and what have you.  The yarns move  quickly and just stretch beyond credibility. But the stories will hold your attention and are an escape from business books.  Be warned that the point of view of all the books is that there are bad actors including jihadists around every corner that need to be terminated with bullets, knives and explosives.

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