Archive for August 19th, 2019

Valley of Genius. An uncensored history of silicon valley as told by the hackers, founders and freaks who made it boom. Adam Fisher

Valley of Genius. An uncensored history of silicon valley as told by the hackers, founders and freaks who made it boom. Adam Fisher. 2018.  ISBN 9781455559022.  This is my most recent thirty years experienced in the PC technology industry in just about one book. From the magazines we read, through the video games, music, authors, PCs, events and all the stuff around the industry  this author does a terrific job of packing much of  it in.  The format draws you through as the discussion is led by quotes and conversations with exactly these hackers, freaks and founders. I found this very hard to put down as it fills in gaps as well helps explain where many of these people came from, what they did, are doing and went.  If you are at all curious as to how this whole industry grew to where it is, read this book.  Great for a cross country flight.