November 21st 2016

Drive. Henry Ford, George Selden and the race to invent the auto car. Lawrence Goldstone.

Portrait of Henry Ford (ca. 1919)

Drive. Henry Ford, George Selden and the race to invent the auto car. Lawrence Goldstone. 2017. ISBN 9780553394184.  A well researched,  extensively footnoted and thorough work on what were very tumultuous times.  The author leads you back to how steam engines were first developed and then eventually what lead to “motorized” carriages.  You will see many parallels to other roads to invention in this book , including what Eldon Musk is trying to do with electric cars.  Selden would today be a master patent troll and Ford was not the only builder who ran counter to the “patent war”. The author stays well away from Fords “eccentricities” which might appear similar to Trump today.  The book holds your interest as the story builds.  Of great interest is just how far Europe was and remained ahead of the US in all this.  Once again the desire to have a monopoly was foremost in this industry early one as was the negative reputation of financiers.  Well worth the time ~ 4 hours.

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