Archive for September 6th, 2016

Merchants in the Temple. Inside Pope Francis’s secret battle against corruption in the Vatican. Gianluigi Nuzzi.

Gianluigi Nuzzi @cecilia

Merchants in the Temple. Inside Pope Francis’s secret battle against corruption in the Vatican. Gianluigi Nuzzi.  2015. ISBN 9781627798648.  This book ( and Journalist author) caused quite an uproar in Italy and the secular press when it came out. It is a basic description of how Pope Francis is determined to once and for all clean out the centuries of inefficient and corrupt practices that have crept int the Vatican.   It is fitting that the author fears for Francis’s life as it is intimated that the Mafia  has a deep hand in the Vatican bank and other areas and in past has reached out to protect its interests. You will read about the many and varied misuses of funds, assets , real estate and adopted privileged  that run rampant through the Holy See and how many noble men and clergy are committed to risk their reputations to help Francis in this task.  But there as many or more who vigorously resist any changes.  You will find out why Benedict retired and the years of discussion, reports on problems  and inaction well before  Francis.